ATTN: Change Makers and Lifestyle Designers

 Learn how to generate income online through Affiliate Marketing using nothing but FB profile ads, no complex tech keeping it stupid simple...


Becoming A Professional Marketer Is Based On 

4 CORE PILLARS OF Online Marketing 

   Listen Up...

If you are aiming towards leaving your 9-5 and changing career so you can work online, so you can be independent and live on your own terms I will tell you that there is no reliable company that will provide you with that, well at least not in the long run.. 
Companies come and go, market changes, however relevant skills always remain.. 
And only by becoming a professional marketer will you be able to leave your 9-5. 

The reason why you see all those people crushing it online with exceptional results is not because of some amazing company or product in the first place, it’s not because of the amazing ads or latest sales funnel!! 
It’s because of the skills they have, It's because they are great MARKETERS, first of all, it’s because they are able to match the right product with the right customers...
You can have THE BEST product in the world, the best service, the best course, teaching people how to live an amazing life, but if you don't know how to market it, you have nothing. 

And ads, fancy tools with all those bells and whistles are absolutely unnecessary. I have been doing it full-time for the past 4+ years using only my FB profile , rubbing shoulders with the best marketers in the industry sharing leaderboards with them without investing a single dime in traffic!! 

As previously said this program focuses on creating marketers by teaching fundamental skills of online marketing divided into 4 core pillars.!

4 KEY Pillars


Teaching you how to build a strong brand online so you can stand out from the noise... You will learn what are the requirements for each and every individual in order to build a strong social media presence and how to position yourself as an authority figure so people WILL come to YOU!!

Lead Gen

This is the module, in which we cover where and how to find people that are willing to spend their money with your service, company, or product. How to find people that are willing to say shut up and take my money so you can generate solid income or build a solid team !!
There are people out there looking for you and we will teach you how to find them!


The most important aspect of any business, also the aspect that so many people do wrong and overcomplicate. This module is a module where we will talk about the social selling and sales process that does not include an aggressive approach or being sleazy, sneaky, etc. Most importantly you will learn how to ask the right question and close the deals right off the bat...


In this module we will focus on content creation and what is actually important to post, when to post, how to post, what things are a waste of time, and how to create enticing content that will attract the right audience who will like to work with you!

4 KEY Pillars


Lead Gen

Teaching you how to build a strong brand online so you can stand out from the noise... You will learn what are the requirements for each and every individual in order to build a strong social media presence and how to position yourself as an authority figure so people WILL come to YOU!!
This is the module, in which we cover where and how to find people that are willing to spend their money with your service, company, or product. How to find people that are willing to say shut up and take my money so you can generate solid income or build a solid team !!
There are people out there looking for you and we will teach you how to find them!



In this module we will focus on content creation and what is actually important to post, when to post, how to post, what things are a waste of time, and how to create enticing content that will attract the right audience who will like to work with you!
The most important aspect of any business, also the aspect that so many people do wrong and overcomplicate. This module is a module where we will talk about the social selling and sales process that does not include an aggressive approach or being sleazy, sneaky, etc. Most importantly you will learn how to ask the right question and close the deals right off the bat...

wait a sec

I am not saying that what we teach here is exclusively only for Fb, or only for some specific platform. 

Whatever you learn inside of this program, you can take and implement on any platform out there, however, considering that Facebook is the largest social media platform and that provides you with the ability to jump into revenue-generating activities as soon as possible and monetize your own brand without spending months on building complex infrastructure...

 FB is something that we start with... As I said previously everything you learn here can be implemented on any platform because we are making a Professional Marketer out of you!!! 

Can Change Your Life Very Quickly!!

because you will learn how to close high ticket sales like these !!
***It become obvious that you just need a couple of sales every month to live a life on your own terms***

Special message from 
Marko, Founder of AMP

Dear future marketers ,

If you have read this far and watched the short video you are probably surprised as you haven't heard about this approach so far because everyone is promoting the NEXT big thing and I can't deny I was like that when I was starting out, and suddenly I ended up being in a perpetual circle of going from one company to another as some of them got shut down, some of them changed compensation plans, etc. 
Always looking for the newest trend I was all over the place putting fingers in Cryptos, Network Marketing, Forex Trading etc. 

Some of them I liked more and some of them less, for some of them I cringe even today just when I think of what I was doing...

A lot of things have changed when one day I lost roughly $10,000 USD because I was relying on a company and their plug-and-play done-for-you thing which threw me off quite a bit and because of that i was avoiding the online marketing world for about a good 6 months! 

I will talk about that some other time it’s quite an interesting story lol

But anyways by seeing what's going on on the marketplace and how many people actually are struggling for years before making any dime online, I wondered why I was having results with anything I put my hands on, months have been passing till one day I had an epiphany when I understood this is because I knew how to market a product to right people...
Since the day I started working online I have invested over $30,000 in my knowledge till now and I am investing in it regularly to this day...
And as I know that there are people out there dying to learn how to generate income online, they are being ripped off by investing in overpriced programs and companies promising them a beach lifestyle, passive income, etc, and making them feel bad after spending months and years without any results...
Now let me tell you this... if you are someone just looking for a quick way to make some money through something “done for you” automated thingy, so you can make 10k in the first 10 days, what I have here is not for you, so no need for you to continue reading close this page and don’t bother...
However, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired because you have no results and you want to learn relevant skills that will allow you to generate income for life and be independent while monetizing your personal brand, this is for you...
If you are reading this still it means you are seriously interested in learning relevant skills.
Most probably you have tried something and got stuck or you want to learn from scratch. Either way, we can help you out...
Being a marketer doesn't mean necessarily knowing how to build a website, run ads, create amazing sales funnels, etc.
Being a marketer means understanding the “art part of online business” and not necessarily the tech side...
Once you understand that, the tech side can be outsourced and what we are going to teach you here is how to build a brand, how to grow an audience, and how to monetize it using free strategies, following 4 core pillars of online marketing, which I mentioned earlier... No complex tech stuff, no websites, ads, google ad sense, etc involved!!

And how to learn that??

By becoming a member of Affiliate Marketing Professionals!


Affiliate Marketing Professionals

A 6 week intensive coaching program for Affiliates, Network Marketers and Coaches.

You’ll get access to:

6 weeks Affiliate Marketing Professionals premium training

Breaking down the whole process to a T that will make a “beast” marketer out of you, touching 4 Pillars of online marketing -  Branding,  Lead Generating,  Marketing, Selling

Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Mastermind a FB group

Where you will be submitting your weekly tasks, follow other attendees but also learn through content that is posted daily

Access to weekly group zoom coaching sessions

Where we will be discussing your previous week together with the rest of the marketers and the team members, so you can also hear the opinion of other members, their stories, their obstacles, their successes, and compare notes on that.

Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals 24/7 Fb group chat

Which is a place created to get answers on the spot, in case you have an obstacle or you are in a situation where you need an answer A.S.A.P this group chat is highly active, a place where you can get an instant answer to your question, so you don't wait for a weekly call.

Access to The Recordings of all Previous weekly calls

So you can watch replays and learn a ton of new stuff from the experience of other members...

Access to AMP Affiliate Program

You'll get access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Affiliate program that pays upto 50% comission per sale.

Lifetime access to all future updates and training

In the Affiliate Marketing professionals program...


Affiliate Marketing Professionals

A 6 week intensive coaching program for Affiliates, Network Marketers and Coaches.

You’ll get access to:


6 weeks Affiliate Marketing Professionals premium training

Breaking down the whole process to a T that will make a “beast” marketer out of you, touching 4 Pillars of online marketing -  Branding,  Lead Generating,  Marketing, Selling

Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Mastermind a FB group

Where you will be submitting your weekly tasks, follow other attendees but also learn through content that is posted daily

Access to weekly group zoom coaching sessions

Where we will be discussing your previous week together with the rest of the marketers and the team members, so you can also hear the opinion of other members, their stories, their obstacles, their successes, and compare notes on that.

Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals 24/7 Fb group chat

Which is a place created to get answers on the spot, in case you have an obstacle or you are in a situation where you need an answer A.S.A.P this group chat is highly active, a place where you can get an instant answer to your question, so you don't wait for a weekly call.

Access to The Recordings of all Previous weekly calls

So you can watch replays and learn a ton of new stuff from the experience of other members...

Access to AMP Affiliate Program

You'll get access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Affiliate program that pays up to 50% commission per sale.

Lifetime access to all future updates and training

In the Affiliate Marketing professionals program...

Yes, You Actually Get All of This...

 6 weeks Affiliate Marketing Professionals premium training

 Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Mastermind a FB group

 Access to weekly group zoom coaching sessions

 Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals 24/7 Fb group chat

 Access to The Recordings of all Previous weekly calls

 Access to AMP Affiliate Program

 Lifetime access to all future updates and training

Everything Provided Here IS Designed To Make A Professional Marketer Out Of You So You Can Monetise Your Personal Brand Regardless Of the Industry You Are In....

Here’s what others have to say

So much to say about Marko!! This guy knows his stuff and to learn from someone who has his years of online marketing experience is GOLD! His style of teaching is clear, to the point with many analogies to bring the point home! Anyone can do this if they implement what they learn. I am grateful for his belief in all his students; in me. I had doubts this would work for me (my own mindset), but the proof that it worked is in the bank! Thank you, truly, Marko! My life now has a new trajectory! I’m on my way! 

Jessica Vega

Marko Radinovic, is one single most important person in my online business development, whom I owe almost everything I know about online and affiliate marketing industry. Thanks to him I was able to experience multiple $900+ in one week and month of $6,000

Nikola Zivkovic

There is a Before and after in my life thanks to Marko. I was struggling to put my message out to the world, but now is all possible thanks to his help and for that I am grateful. Thank you Marko Rodinovic for being such an amazing person.

Andrei Radu

All I can say, is that thanks to Marko, I was able to acquire more costumers for my SMMA using his trainings and coaching. I've put my business on another level thanks to his closing techniques, he definitely knows what is he talking about!

Kelyn Trinetti

Their Results...

When will your time come?

You have been around for a while. You may have tried something or been doing it unsuccessfully for some time now, chances are also that if you are reading this that you are for some time looking for a way to start...

Either way, if you fit in any of these two, AMP is a perfect fit for you...

Considering that you have been with some company and you were unsuccessful after money invested in ads or months spent on building websites, recording ads, etc We can help you out!!

Considering the times where we live, considering the mess that we are in, it's clear to see that one simply can't rely on a Job, Government, Society... 

We are entering the digital era and for that, it is essential to have an online presence and invest time and money into learning relevant skills which you will monetize on your own. We can help you out!!

Some of you might think yes you are Absolutely Right, however, I have everything on YOUTUBE and GOOGLE I don't want to pay...

Fair enough, I agree there is a lot of Valuable information on YOUTUBE and GOOGLE, however having that big goal of living a life of freedom, being an entrepreneur, and leaving your job for good is such a big move that chances of you doing it on your own by figuring things out alone, are so slim that you will waste months or even years before you figure out that you just wasted time... 

I don’t know anyone in this space who builds successful online businesses without mentors or by watching YT videos... If you know someone, show him to me I’d like to ask him a few questions.:D 

Yes, that’s all great but I don't like the idea of spending time in front of my screen. I prefer to do paid ads

Yes, paid ads are where freedom is that's the main objective, however, unless you know how to do it manually chances are very slim that you will do anything with paid ads...

Doing ads without understanding the 4 pillars of online marketing will just lead to frustration and empty bank accounts.

Let’s focus on teaching you first free strategies, making a marketer out of you, and once you have a proof of concept and once you have things going on you can scale up with paid ads, which we will cover here in Program too :D

Incase, you're like me & Skipped to the END

Here's what you get in Affiliate Marketing Professionals...

 6 weeks Affiliate Marketing Professionals premium training

 Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals Mastermind a FB group

 Access to weekly group zoom coaching sessions

 Access to Affiliate Marketing Professionals 24/7 Fb group chat

 Access to The Recordings of all Previous weekly calls

 Access to AMP Affiliate Program

 Lifetime access to all future updates and training

Don't Let your Old Self to Stop Your From Taking Action

because that's the only thing holding your from making that shift in your life...

Marko Radinovic

Keep Killing It! 

Copyright 2021- Marko Radinovic - All Rights Reserved "DIGITAL CONSULTING MARKO" LTD 


This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Earnings disclaimer... Results You see here vary and by no means I make implications that you will have guaranteed financial gains... All results depend entirely on the commitment the individual has made toward his progress... We strongly believe that money comes as a by-product of good work... Things that we share inside of this program are relevant strategies in the online marketing space that are intended to provide you with awareness and skills which you will implement while building a brand, growing an audience, and monetizing it using social media platforms like FB. 

We do not believe in “get rich quick” schemes and making money online while doing nothing programs… We believe in hard work, dedication, consistency, and long-term execution, therefore if you don’t share these values THIS IS NOT FOR YOU... Results you will have by following this program are entirely up to you. We just want to help you out by providing educational material, guidance, our content, our training material, and by providing support channels. The rest is up to you...

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content on social media is a promise or guarantee of results or future earning!!

Copyright 2021- Marko Radinovic - All Rights Reserved "DIGITAL CONSULTING MARKO" LTD 



Phone: +442081028866

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
Earnings disclaimer... Results You see here vary and by no means I make implications that you will have guaranteed financial gains... All results depend entirely on the commitment the individual has made toward his progress... We strongly believe that money comes as a by-product of good work... Things that we share inside of this program are relevant strategies in the online marketing space that are intended to provide you with awareness and skills which you will implement while building a brand, growing an audience, and monetizing it using social media platforms like FB. 

We do not believe in “get rich quick” schemes and making money online while doing nothing programs… We believe in hard work, dedication, consistency, and long-term execution, therefore if you don’t share these values THIS IS NOT FOR YOU... Results you will have by following this program are entirely up to you. We just want to help you out by providing educational material, guidance, our content, our training material, and by providing support channels. The rest is up to you...

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content on social media is a promise or guarantee of results or future earning!!

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